
Please bring Mercy to me-Grandmother of Madonna's adopted African daughter begs to see her

A heartbroken grandmother in Malawi has begged Madonna: “Please bring my little Mercy to me.” 
Sickly 73-year-old Lucy Chekechiwa pleaded for “one last chance” to be with the grandchild she has not seen since her controversial adoption by the singer in 2009.

Madonna – who had adopted another orphan, David Banda, three years previously ,promised to keep them in touch with their African roots and heritage.

But Lucy said:

 “I have not seen Mercy since she left and it leaves me in pain.
"Madonna has not been in communication with me and I cannot understand why. She brings Mercy to Malawi but not to see me.

“Why won’t she just come to see me? The pain is in my heart. I am old and ill and anything could happen. I want to see her before it is too late.”

Lucy had just visited her poorly-supplied local clinic to ask for help for a fever and cough. Her failing physical health is compounded by her despair.
Her teenage daughter Mwandida died eight days after giving birth to Mercy in January 2006. The child was taken into an orphanage because Lucy could not afford to look after her.

Sitting on reed matting on the red earth outside her mud hut home, Lucy said:

 “I am thankful for Madonna in what she has given Mercy but I did not expect to never see her again or hear nothing.
"It would not take too much to come and see me and make me happy. It would be good for Mercy as well.
“I am heartbroken and think about her every day.
“I am asking Madonna to bring Mercy to see me next time she comes. Please bring my grand-daughter to me.”

Neighbours feel she has been cheated and one said:

“She carries the loss of Mwandida and Mercy around with her. You can see it.
"All she wants is to see her grandchild and for the grandchild to see her. Madonna should do that.”

Madonna, who has two natural children – Lourdes, 19, and 15-year-old Rocco – returned to Malawi in 2010, 2013 and in 2014, when she took Mercy with her.She says Mercy and David, both aged 10, will visit annually so family and heritage feature strongly in their upbringing.
But Lucy said the visits have yet to include a trip to her home, even though Blantyre has an airport.
“I hope Mercy is happy and I am sure that is what Madonna wants as well,” she said, as she gazed at local newspaper cuttings of the star’s last visit to Malawi.
“Whatever she feels about me, it will be bad for Mercy not to see her grandmother once more.
“I only have love for her.”
Culled from Daily Mirror

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